We are dedicated to good food and service.
Let us help you! We offer catering and event support, lounge and conference service at Arvidsjaur Airport all year. In wintertime we’re open for lunch at the airport and when you depart on international flights our gate café is open.
When leaving on the morning flight, our breakfast box is the best start of the day. Breakfast can be pre-ordered and picked up after you passed the security control.
Our team is focused on bringing good and healthy food on the table.
We are also dedicated to local food tradition with the swedish taste. How can we best present it to you if not as our grandmothers made it way back then? Great food can have a fancy suit but in the end, great food shows off by it self.
Our main vision is to help you get the best out of your stay in Lapland and Arvidsjaur.
We also have an environmental vision.Every day we exert ourself to lower the climate impact. We are gradually changing to recycled material and bagasse.
Furthermore, we strive to buy as much of the ingredients from the region of Norrbotten. Many of our ingredients are certified organic.
To stop food waste, we sell lunch boxes for guest to pick up at closing time.
Last but not least, we are beekeepers!Don’t miss to try our locally produced honey when you are visiting us at Arvidsjaur Airport.
Arvidsjaur Airport
933 91 FRAMNÄS
+46 72 253 0960